Classes & Workshops

Online Classes
On-Going Classes
Mentorships at Sacred Tree
Flexible schedule
Learn at your own pace
Learn Herbal Medicine One on One
Hello and thank you for your interest in the plants! Plant medicine is amazing and I am so happy you are delving into this topic so vitally important! Empowering yourself with your health as well as gaining knowledge of plant medicine to help those around you creates a shift of balance toward stewardship of the earth and all she provides. To know is to protect and she can use all she can get! Mentorships at Sacred Tree are a bit different than the 7-month Apprenticeship offered annually. Mentorships are exclusive one on one time with me at the shop, or in the fields and forest harvesting and talking about the plants. Each day with me will vary as to the topics, the plants, the formulations and product making that comes up. Below is a basic list of skills you will acquire and topics we will discuss in regards to plant medicine and product making.
The breakdown of the mentorships is as follows:
Each session will include:
One on one training
Flexible scheduling
Start to build your Materia Medica
Learn basic herbal preparations
Hands on learning
Learn how to identify plants
Learn the plants in the region and how to use them as medicine and food
How to wild forage
Learn targeted herbal preparations for system imbalances
Learn about Herbal Energetics and how to formulate based upon this concept
6 Session: 6 full days of learning plant medicine with me in the shop and out in the fields and forests foraging and identifying plants. $ 720
12 Sessions: 12 full days of learning plant medicine with me in the shop and out in the fields and forests foraging and identifying plants. $1440
18 Sessions: 18 full days of learning plant medicine with me in the shop and out in the fields and forests foraging and identifying plants. $2160
You are required to be present for the whole day for each session. Each session will be scheduled at mine and your convenience and will be here at the shop in Meredith, or at my land in Belmont. All topics listed will not necessarily be covered each day. I will require homework during the time we are not together. This mentorship will require you to do some research on your own to be discussed with me during our next time together. There is no set homework topic list as these topics come up as we go. The topics will vary, but follow a basic guideline of body systems and common imbalances of these systems.
Call or email to sign up

Extended Herbal Training
Form a deeper understanding of plant medicine and clinical intake skills. These two class series are for herbal practitioners seeking to hone their skills at intake, learn more about phytochemicals and plant constituents and what they do in the body and how to make more effective medicine using this information, get more in-depth knowledge about modern diseases, and how to use herbs to facilitate healing and bring balance in a more effective and wholistic way.
The Teaching Circle is an extension of the Advanced Herbal Series where you get to continue practicing intake skills. See below for all dates.
Intermediate Skills and
Advanced Medicine Making
$333 Plant Chemistry - 2 part Series - Learn the basic elements of life and how they form the phytochemical in plants and the therapeutic actions those chemicals have in the body. We will also discuss the proper technique for making double extractions with mushrooms (and other herbs as well) as well as discuss other ways of making extractions: increase ratios for stronger medicine, percolation, fluid extracts, and soxhlet extracts. You must commit to both dates.
2025 DATES: February 9th & February 16th
Advanced Herbal Series
~Client Intake Skills/Teaching Circle~
$555 - This 3-part series go through basic Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostic Techniques to help you hone in on imbalances in the body. We will also discuss basic Ayurvedic doshas and body constitutional theory (we will also discuss William Lassasier's constitutional theory) in order to assess a persons energetics for better formulation. The first class I will walk you through assessing face, tongue, nails, and pulses and constitutional theory. The second class delves deeper into some of the modern dis-eases we see regularly as Herbalists, and the third class will be the beginning of the Teaching Circle, where we sit in circle with a client and assess and formulate. You can stay on and participate in the other Teaching Circle dates, which require a $40 practitioner fee for each Circle. The basic Fee of $555 covers the three classes, not the extra Circles held typically on Sunday per month. You must commit to all dates.
2025 DATES: March 16, 23, 30
*Teaching Circle Clinic dates are planned according to participants availability. Email me for more information. Clients come for free, practitioners come and practice. Hone your intake and formulation skills in the group setting. This starts after the Advanced and is for Advanced students or other Herbalists interested in more experience in a clinical setting.
$40 per practitioner per class date.
2025 dates: TBD 10am-3pm.
Sign up for one Clinic or all....it's up to you.
Skills you will learn
*TCM diagnostic techniques - face, tongue, nail, pulse
*Plant constituents - what they are and what they do in the body
*Advanced formulation techniques
*A deeper understanding of how the emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies manifest dis-ease
*Herbal Energetics and how to apply those to an individuals energetics to create more effective blends
*The importance of client connections and building a solid relationships and boundaries
*Building deeper connections with the plants
*Learning more about modern diseases - Lyme Disease, Heart Dis-ease, Type II diabetes and many others
*And so much more!
Call or email to sign up.
Personal Weed Walk
I come to you......
Hire me to come to your house. Invite friends to split the cost. I will walk your property and ID edible & medicinal plants and how to use them for food and medicine.
I do house calls! Ever wonder what medicinal and edible plants live around you? Schedule me and I will come to you for 2 + hours. Invite friends and family too! Limit 15 people.
Call the shop or email me to schedule

Kitchen Witchery
Tap in to your Inner Witch
Learn Medicinal Tea Blending, Tincture making, Herbal skincare Basics, Syrups, Fire Cider& More!
Kitchen Witchery Basics - This 4 part herbal series takes place at Sacred Tree Herbals. You will learn product-making skills as taught in the Herbal Apprenticeship, so in essence, this is an abridged version of the apprenticeship.
You will learn:
*Basic Tea Blending;
*How to Make an Herbal Extracts (Tinctures);
*Skin Care - Salves & Lotions;
*Syrups, Fire Cider & Oxymels
Sign up for one or all three.
$75 per class OR $250 for all 4.
Dates: SUNDAYS 10:00am -12:00pm
11/13/22 - Tea Blending
11/20/22 - Tincture Making PLUS Syrups & Vinegar Extracts (combining TWO classes)
10:00 am-2:00pm
(RATE WILL BE $150 for both or $75 for one)
12/4/22 - Skin Care